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Value for Money reviews

We are the financial lead for Auckland Councils Value for Money (VfM) programme. The VfM Programme is a 3-year strategic review of all services provided by the Council Group. Auckland Council is the largest territorial authority in Australasia supporting 1.6m citizens. Over the next 10 years council will spend $20bn in operating expenditure and $32bn of capital investment.


We developed a review method to assess the current state and the value delivered to date.  We then use Better Business Case framework to assist us in developing future value opportunities. The reviews are forward focused and draw on a range of information sources. We work with subject matter experts and draw on international best practice. An independent steering group provide oversight and reporting is to a committee chaired by the Mayor. 


Completed reviews are three waters, economic development, waste management, communications plus parks and procurement. We identified value opportunities of more than $500m over the next 10 years. We developed action plans and supported the implementation and benefits realisation. 

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